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Writer's pictureAnne Costa

A Remedy for our Times...

Many of us are very concerned about the times we are living in. It seems that all that we put our faith in is crumbling around us. Indeed, these times are very confusing and scary. But God, our Heavenly Father, has not left us abandoned or alone! He has given us the gift and constant Presence of His Son to see us through.

Tomorrow is the Feast day of a special saint... Margaret Mary Alocoque who is known as the Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In a vision, Jesus shared the image of His Heart that we know today as the Sacred Heart image. It is more than a picture. It is a reminder that Jesus is with us always and that He loves us fiercely!

The Sacred Heart devotion which includes Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in our homes or businesses, is a public proclamation and way of life that proclaims that WE BELONG TO JESUS!

It is truly the desire of His Heart that we acknowledge Him, welcome Him and invite Him into our homes and hearts. The Enthronement ceremony is simply the beginning or a lifelong relationship and drawing nearer to the very heart of Jesus.

There are many things that I have learned about the Heart of Jesus since I encountered it in a special way several years ago. Through my connection with the Sacred Heart Apostolate ( and through writing my latest book Healing Promises: The Essential Guide to the Sacred Heart, my life has changed from the inside out! I thought I knew Jesus pretty well before, but there is nothing that compares to the lessons learned through the School of His Heart. I will be sharing some of those lessons in this blog in the days and weeks to come, as an invitation for you to Lean In and delve deeper into the Sacred Story that is the precious Heart of our Lord, Jesus.

May you listen well to the whispers of His Heart!

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