"I remind you, to stir into flamethe gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardicebut rather of power and love and self-control."~~~~~~~~~ The verse above from Paul's Second Letter to Timothy is one of my all time favorites... It says so much when we read between the lines. It reminds us that the Holy Spirit is poised to be active in our lives; that His gifts are to be poured out from our hearts. Did you hear about the Holy Spirit at Mass today? Did the homily speak to you about the power and the presence of this Third Divine Person of the Holy Spirit? If not, let me just take the opportunity to stir into flame the real truth of who we are and who we are called to be. We are called to push beyond the limits of what we think we can do because with the Holy Spirit as a partner, we can blow the lid off those limits! We can embrace holiness with fervor, step out in love with confidence and self-control, and let our hearts burn like a wildfire with desire to help others get into heaven, to carry out God's plan and build his kingdom here on earth! If zeal, passion, wonder, risk and discovery are NOT a part of your every day vocabulary... invoke the Holy Spirit to make it so. Living with and through the Holy Spirit is a profound adventure... All you have to do is say YES! Come Holy Spirit, Come Now, Come as you Wish Take my YES and run with it and I will surely follow. Amen.
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